
My learning goal is multiples of 100 that add up to 10000, e.g.  400 + 600, 300 + 700.

I have learnt recall subtraction facts to 20 e.g. 19-6, 17-?= 12

My next steep is to  Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20 with change unknown,
e.g. 9 + _ =15 ,  13 - _ = 8


My learning goal is to learn how to give, receive and respond to feedback to improve my writing.

I have learnt to give and receive feedback to involve my and other peoples writing.

My next steep is to respond to my writing.


My learning goals is to understand an organise or order text and know what different words mean.

I have learnt to understand what words mean.

My next step is to organise and order texts.